1. Set affiliate product list

(plus) On the admin sidebar, go to Magenest > Affiliate Program > Program Details. Go to the program configuration page.

(plus) Affiliate Product Data

Set the simulated sales information for the affiliate products.

  • Ramdom Buyer Image: enter the image links to display as purchasers on each product. Note that each image is put on a line.

(plus) Affiliate Products: admin can add, set the product position and remove products from affiliate products list.

2. Set price for affiliate product

Admin can set a special price for products to apply to the freelancers only.

(plus) Open the product in edit mode. Below the Price field, click Advanced Pricing.

(plus) In the Customer Group Price section, click Add.

(plus) Configure the group price:

  • For a multi-site installation, choose the Website where the group price applies.

  • Choose the Customer Group that is to receive the discount. In this case, select group Affiliater

  • Enter a Quantity of 1.

  • For Price, set the pricing type and amount, which will be applied to the affiliate program.

    FixedEnter the discounted product price.

    Enter the discounted price as a percentage of the product price.

    For example, for a 15 percent discount, enter the number 15.

The price set in Customer Group section display in the screen of freelancers only

3. Set affiliate product image

(plus) On the product configuration page, expand the Images And Videos section.

(plus) Assign the role Affiliate Image to an image so it will display at the freelancer's screen only.

(plus) After finish, click on Save button to save the changes.

4. Set up product suggestion list 

Product suggestion list on the affiliate product detail page

(plus)On the admin sidebar, navigate to Catalog > Products. 

(plus) Go to Products page, find the product need editing, click Edit under the Action column.

(plus) On the product detail page, expand the Related Products, Up-Sells, and Cross-Sells section, then add the related products under Up-Sell Products section.

  • Click on Add Up-Sell Products button.
  • Go to Add Up-Sell Products page, select related products, then click on Add Selected Products.
  • Admin can use the Filter to find products quickly.

(plus) Admin can edit the available related product list by rearranging the product position or removing products.

  • No labels