1. General configuration

(plus) On the admin sidebar, go to Magenest > Affiliate Program > Configurations.

(plus) Go to affiliate configuration page.

General Configuration

  • Enable Affiliate: Choose Yes to enable the affiliate program.
  • Affiliate Customer Group: Select a customer group in the affiliate program.

Commission Workflow

  • Add Commission When Order Obtained Status: Select a status that when the affiliate order satisfies, the order commission will be granted to the freelancer. 
  • Commission Holding Period (Days): set the time after which the commission is available for withdrawal. 

Affiliate Code Generation

  • Register Affiliate Code Link: click on the icon (question) to copy the registration link for new freelancers.
  • Affiliate Code Generation: admin can click here to generate a new registration link.

Withdrawal Configuration

  • Minimum Balance Amount: Set the required balance amount that the freelancer account needs to reach to be able to get the commission.
  • Multiple of X Withdrawal Amount: the requested withdrawal amount needs to be the multiple of this value.
  • Withdrawal Notices: Enter the notice to display on the customer's withdrawal page.


After finish, click on Save to save the changes.

2. Manage affiliate program 

(plus) On the admin sidebar, go to Magenest > Affiliate Program > Program Details. Go to the program configuration page.

(plus) Program Information: enter the name and description for the affiliate program.

(plus) Commission by Total Revenue: set the commission tiers.

Note: As the configuration in the image, freelancers will receive the commission of 80% order amount for the order from 1000000. 

(plus) Commission for Vendors: set the commission for the referral level.

Example of referral level:

  • Customer A is an affiliate member without any referrer.
  • Customer A refers customer B to the website > Level 1.

 → Customer A will receive commission from orders of customer B or other freelancers who are introduced to the affiliate program by customer A. The commission amount is the value percent set in line 1

  • Customer B refers customer C to the website > Level 2.

 → Customer B will receive commission from orders of customer C or other freelancers who are introduced to the affiliate program by customer B. The commission amount is the value percent set in line 2.

  • Customer C refers customer D to the website > Level 3.

 → Customer C will receive commission from orders of customer D or other freelancers who are introduced to the affiliate program by customer C. The commission amount is the value percent set in line 3.

  • Note: The referral commission is applied to the direct referrer only. 

(plus) Affiliate Product Data

Set the simulated sales information for the affiliate products.

  • Ramdom Buyer Image: enter the image links to display as purchasers on each product. Note that each image is put on a line.

(plus) Affiliate Products: admin can add, set the product position and remove products from affiliate products list.

  • No labels