As normally, products with several options such as size, color .etc will be created as configurable products in Magento, which contains simple products for each option. By default, these simple products will contain separated SKU. In reality, Kootoro manages some products with several sizes, colors but wants to keep the products in unique SKUs.  This is the instruction to deal with the situation.

In summary, there are two main steps:

  1. Import the simple product.
  2. Set Customizable Options for the product.

1. Import simple product

  • Prepare the import file.
  • Import product to Magento.

2. Add customizable options for the product

(plus) On the admin sidebar, go to Catalog > Product.

(plus) Go to Products page, find the product to edit, then click Edit under Action column.

(plus) On the product detail page, expand the Customizable Options section. 

  • Click on Add Option button to add product options.
  • Option Title: Enter the option title.
  • Option Type: Select the option display in the drop-down list. There are three options: drop-down, radio buttons, checkbox.
  • Set the additional options on the below table.
    • Title: Enter the name for each option.
    • Price: Set the additional price for each option. If there is no additional price, enter the value 0.


Radio buttons


(plus) After finish, click Save button on the top right to save the changes.

The product type does not change.

  • No labels