Versions Compared


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(plus) Add commission to affiliate account balance when: decide the time to give commission to the referer between two options: Order Complete and Create Invoice.

  • Order Complete: the commission will be added to the referrer's balance when the status of the affiliated order is completed.
  • Create Invoicethe commission will be added to the referrer's balance when the status of the affiliated order is invoiced.

(warning) Note: This configuration field is not applied to the affiliate program for leads. In the "Pay Per Lead" program, the referrer will receive a commission when the purchase orders of the referred leads meet the conditions set in the configuration for Pay Per Lead program. And the status of these orders is Completed

(plus) Holding day: enter the number of days that the commission is held before being added to the referer balance.




Manage Affiliate Program

(warning) Note Note: Admin can create up to 4 programs.

(plus) On the Admin site, go to Magenest Affiliate > Program.


(plus) On the Affiliate Program page


: select


the type for the new program. There are four default options: 


Pay Per Lead,  Pay Per Sale, Pay Per Discount and Pay Per Click.

(minus) Pay Per Lead: in this program, the referrer will receive the commission for each account created in the store with their own unique code.

    • Set the necessary information for the program.
    • Set and adjust the commission for the program in Is Single Tier Active field and Program Configuration section.
    • Limit Min Spent: enter a certain amount that the referred need to spend on the store so that the commission for leads is applied.

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(minus) Pay Per Sale: In this program. the referrer and referred account are connected by the Unique Code given by the referred. The referrer will receive a commission from the purchase of the referred.

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(minus) Pay Per Discount: In this program, the referred make a purchase with Referral Coupon given by the referrer to receive a discount for the order. Then a commission is added to the referrer's balance as well.

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(minus) Pay Per Click: In this program, the referrer will receive the commission for each click from the referred on the affiliate link.

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Manage Campaign

On (plus) On the Admin sidebar, go to Magenest Affiliate > Campaign.

On (plus) On Manage Campaign Page

Campain Information




Manage the withdraw list


(plus) On the Admin sidebar, go to Magenet Affiliate > List Withdraw.


  • On the withdraw list, click on a pending withdraw request.
  • On the View Withdrawal page, click on Capture Payment/Decline Payment button to approve/decline the withdrawal.

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On the frontend

(plus) After joining the Affiliate program, the customer can get their own codes for referring on the Promotion Materials session.

  • Customer can Referral Link: Customers can get the available link or generate a referral link and to send to the referred. To generate a referral link, copy a link from the store to the Referral Link filed then click on Generate button. A new link will be created below. This referral link is used in the Pay Per Click program.
  • Your Unique Code: the referer can edit the referrer sends this link and receives a commission when the referred register for a new account on the store with code manually or get the available code to send to the referred. This code is used for connecting the referrer account with the referred account in the Pay Per Lead and Pay Per Sale program. The referred enter this code when creating an account on the store. In case the referred has had an account already, they can enter the Unique Code of the referrer on Your Referrer Unique Code field.

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  • this code.Referral Coupon: The referred uses this coupon to get a discount when purchasing. And the referrer receives a commission for this discounted purchase.
  • Referral Transaction Code: The referrer will get the commission after a transaction made with this code.
  • This code is used in the Pay Per Discount program.

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(plus) Customer  Customers can view all the transaction transactions made by their referrerreferred.


(plus) Customer  Customers can view all the campaign campaigns to participate and take the banner to put in the store.

The merchant They will receive the commission per each click on the banner when putting the banner on their store.

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(plus) Customer  Customers can view the affiliate statistic.


(plus) Withdraw request form:

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  • When a new update is available, we will provide you with a new package containing our updated extension.
  • You will have to delete the module directory and repeat the installing steps above.
  • Flush the config cache. Your store and newly installed module should be working as expected.
