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Updated: 18/09/2019 | By: Magenest | Support Portal: 

Table of Contents



Entities type which can appear in log: customer, product, lead, order, invoice, memo, tax code, shipping method.

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    • Synchronize customers from Magento 2 to Odoo as contacts, manually or automatically

    • Synchronize customers from Magento 2 to Odoo as leads

    • Synchronize products from Magento 2 to Odoo, manually or automatically

    • Synchronize store categories from Magento 2 to Odoo

    • Synchronize orders, invoices and credit memos from Magento 2 to Odoo, manually or automatically

    • Synchronize tax rates from Magento 2 to Odoo

    • Synchronize shipping methods from Magento 2 to Odoo

    • Map Magento 2 payment methods with Odoo payment journals

    • View sync history and resync failed requests

    • Manage sync queue 


  • Ensure your Odoo site is running.

  • On the backend, navigate to Odoo > Configuration, or Stores > Configuration > Magenest > Odoo Integration. 

  • On the Configuration page, under Connection Settings section, fill in the connection parameters.



  • URL: Odoo base URL.

  • Port: Odoo port. The common ports are 80 (http) and 443 (https).

  • Database Name: enter the name of Odoo database (an Odoo installation might have multiple databases).

  • Admin Username and Password: credentials of Odoo admin account.




  • Then press Check Connection. If connection success, the ID of admin account will be saved into ‘Odoo User ID’ field.
  • Then click on Save Config button to store connection data.


  • Sync product qty: product quantity will be synced as a product moves on Odoo Inventory. If Sync product qty is enabled, there will be two fields: 
    • Fetch Stock Locations: get the list of stock locations on Odoo company.
    • Sync to Stock: select stock location to sync product quantity.
  • Sync category: sync product categories as Ecommerce categories on Odoo, and assign those categories to Odoo product.


(plus) Order

  • Enabled: enable/disable syncing orders.
  • Prefix: order prefix. Order name on Odoo will follow format Prefix+IncrementID.


(plus) Invoice 

  • Enabled: enable/disable syncing invoices.
  • Prefix: invoice prefix. Invoice name on Odo will follow format Prefix+IncrementID.


(plus) Credit memo

  • Enabled: enable/disable syncing credit memo.
  • Prefix: Memo prefix. Memo name on Odo will follow format Prefix+IncrementID.


  • Step 1: Click Add Payment Methods to get the list of methods on Magento 2.

  • Step 2: Click Get Journals to get the list of journals on Odoo company.

  • Step 3: Click on Map to Journal field to map Journal with the method. Mapping is saved automatically.



Sync shipping methods

(plus) This section is required for order/invoice/memo synchronization.

(plus) Navigate to Odoo > Shipping Methods > Synchronize.




(plus) On Odoo, you can find synced methods at Sales > Configuration > Delivery Methods.



Tax Mapping

(plus) This section is required for order/invoice/memo synchronization.

(plus) Navigate to Odoo > Tax Code Mapping > Add All Tax Codes > Synchronize.



(plus) On Odoo, you can view the list of tax codes at Invoicing > Configuration > Taxes:


(plus) Queue management is accessible from Odoo > Sync Queue. Queue contains:


  • Entities with Sync mode Cron Job waiting for sync.

  • Entities added by admin.


(plus) To sync entities in Queue, wait for the cron to run, or use Sync Now button or Mass Action to sync them immediately.



History Logs


(plus) From Odoo > History Logs, admin can view log of synced entities:


(plus) To sync single or several entities in log, use Mass Action.




  • When a bug fix or new feature is released, we will provide you with the module's new package.
  • All you need to do is repeating the above installing steps and uploading the package onto your store. The code will automatically override.
  • Flush the config cache. Your store and newly installed module should be working as expected.




  • We will reply to support requests after 2 business days.
  • We will offer lifetime free update and 6 months free support for all of our paid products. Support includes answering questions related to our products, bug/error fixing to make sure our products fit well in your site exactly like our demo.
  • Support DOES NOT include other series such as customizing our products, installation and uninstallation service.

Once again, thank you for purchasing our extension. If you have any questions relating to this extension, please do not hesitate to contact us for support.