1. General Configuration

(plus) On the admin sidebar, navigate to Stores > Configuration > Magenest > Social Login.

(plus) General setting

  • Enable in Create Account: Choose Yes to display the social login options in Sign Up/Create an account page
  • Enable sharing: Choose Yes to allow purchasers to share the product link via social networks that are chosen in the Social sharing options: Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit.

Social login options in Sign Up/Create an account page

Sharing option in product details page

2. Connect social media

In order to connect the social app to your Magento 2 store, you have to set up some necessary apps as follows:

How to get Facebook and Google credentials?

Getting Google credential

(plus) Go to the Google Developers Console – https://console.developers.google.com/

(plus) Select an existing project, or create a new project by clicking Create Project:

  • In the Project name field, type in a name for your new project.

  • In the Project ID field, the console has created project ID.

  • Click on the Create button and the project to be created within some seconds.

(plus) In the left sidebar, select APIs under the APIs & auth section.

(plus) Find the Google+ API service and set its status to Enable.

(plus) Click Create Credentials select OAuth Client ID

  • Create Client ID dialog box would be appearing for choosing application type.

  • In the Application type section of the dialog, select Web application and click on the Configure consent screen button.

  • Choose Email address, enter Product name and save the form.

  • In the Authorized JavaScript origins field, enter your app origin. If you want to allow your app to run on different protocols, domains, or subdomains, then you can enter multiple origins.

  • In the Authorized redirect URI field, enter the redirect URL.

  • Click on Create.


(plus) Now you can see the Client ID for web application section. Select Client ID and Client Secret then fill in Configuration of Google in Backend of Magento 2 store.

(plus) In Magento back-end, under Google+ setting section:

  • Enable: To enable Google login and sharing option 
  • Client ID: Google+ application ID  
  • Client Secret: Google+ application secret 
  • Redirect URI: You will use this URL in Google to connect the app


Getting Facebook credential

(plus) Go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps/ and login to your Facebook developer account.

(plus) Click Add a New App button on the top right to create a new app ID. A popup will display as below

(plus) On the Facebook for developers Settings, choose Basic, click on the Add Platform button, then enter your site URL.

(plus) Click on Save changes button. You will see that there are App ID and App secret, note that you will need these to configure the module in the backend of Magento 2.

(plus) Choose Facebook Login > Settings link from the left menu section at the apps page, fill in Valid OAuth Redirect URIs with the Redirect URI obtained from Magento 2 configuration.

(plus) Then you have to make your app public to everyone. On the top bar, click on Status, a pop up as below will be displayed. Confirm to make the app public.

(plus) On Magento back-end, under Facebook setting section:

  • Enable: choose Yes to enable Facebook social login and share.
  • Client ID: Fill in the Facebook app ID obtained from above.
  • Client Secret: Fill in the Facebook app secret from above.

3. Save

After finish, click Save to save the configuration.

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