1. Required format

The import file must be in CSV format.

2. Content

Fill the content as the illustration in the image.

  • brand: Enter the brand name.
  • gender: Enter gender.

No data is allowed in this field for the configurable product.

  • size: Enter the product size.

No data is allowed in this field for the configurable product.

  • color: Enter the product color.

No data is allowed in this field for the configurable product.

  • product_name: Enter the product name.
  • sku: Enter the product SKU.
  • parent_sku: Enter the parent SKU in the simple products that included in a configurable product. 

A configurable product includes several simple products. For example, there are two color options for product A (red, green). In Magento, product A is a configurable product, then product A - green and product A - red are simple products that included in product A. In other words, product A is parent product of product A - red and product A - green.


No data is allowed in this field for the configurable product.

Parent SKU is SKU of the configurable product.

  • price: enter the price of the product. Left blank in the configurable product.

No data is allowed in this field for the configurable product.

  • special_price: enter the special price of the product. Left blank in the configurable product.

No data is allowed in this field for the configurable product.

  • description: enter product description.
  • base_image: enter image link. Required image type: jpg, png and jpeg.
  • small_image: enter image link. Required image type: jpg, png and jpeg.
  • thumbnail_image: enter image link. Required image type: jpg, png and jpeg.
  • swatch_image: enter image link. Required image type: jpg, png and jpeg.

Note: Product image size should be in 1:1 ratio (ex: 600x600px).

Thumbnail image

Small image

Base image


  • With configurable product, the parent product should not have size or color attribute. 
  • All SKU of difference product mus have difference SKU

  • No labels