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Created: 03/02/2016 | By: Magenest | Support Portal:

Introducing to WooCommerce Promotion

WooCommerce Promotion is a wordpress plugin with rich features:

  1. Setup multiple promotion campaigns to set products’ sale price
  2. Set campaign’s schedule by dates and days
  3. Select any products and categories to be included in a campaign
  4. Choose price adjustment method to calculate the product sale price:
  • Discount by Percentage (%)
  • Discount by Amount




Configure report fields to report, access configuration page by the following steps Woocommerce Settings → Auto Promotion tab

Apply only the first rule for product catalog: whether or not all of product catalog rules is applied Apply only the first rule for shopping cart: whether or not all of shopping cart rules is applied

Shopping Cart Promotion

 Manage rules

Access the shopping cart auto promotion by clicking the woocommerce submenu Shop Autopromotion 

Edit the rule

  1.  Status: status of shopping cart rule
  2. Priority: priority of shopping cart rule
  3. Cart total compare: operator for comparation
  4. Cart total: compare with shopping cart total
  5. Start date: the begining of date for promotion
  6. End date: the end of date for promotion
  7. Discount type: type of promotion discount
  8. Discount: the discount amount


Cart page 

Checkout page

Product Catalog Automatic Promotion

 Managing rules

Access the product catalog promotion page by clicking the woocommerce submenu Catalog Autopromotion 

Edit the rule

  1.  Status: status of product catalog rule
  2. Priority: priority of product catalog rule
  3. Attribute: attributes of product which will be onsale
  4. Categories: categories of product which will be onsale
  5. SKU: product SKU, seperated by “|”
  6. ID: product IDs, seperated by “|”
  7. Price compare: operator for price comparision
  8. Price: amount of price
  9. Stock status: In stock or Out of stock
  10. Total sales compare: operator for total sales comparision
  11. Total sales: amount of total sales that will be compared
  12. Featured product: whether or not product is marked as Featured
  13. Start date: the begining of promotion date
  14. End date: the end of promotion date
  15. Discount type: type of promotion discount
  16. Discount: the discount amount


If you have want the further features that is not supported in current version, do not hesitate to contact us.




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