
Google Shopping for Magento 2 by Magenest is a powerful tool to sync your products on Magento 2 site to google merchants.



Your store should be running on Magento Edition version 2.3.x, and 2.4.x


Connect your Google merchant account to your Magento store

(warning) Note: You need to have a Google Merchant account.

Step 1: Click the Get Page Access Token button

Step 2: Approve the permissions for our application:

Google Merchant Setting 

In the Google Merchant Setting section, after connecting your Google merchant account to your Magento store, the admin has to set up:

Sync Setting

Product Template

Create template mapping between Magento 2 product attributes and  Google Shopping fields:

In the admin dashboard > Marketing > Google Shopping > Product Template, the admin can edit and create a new product template.

Google Category Mapping

In the admin dashboard > Marketing > Google Shopping > Google Category Mapping: to match Google requirements, rename the categories with the autocomplete function.

(warning) Remember to save your mapping changes


In the admin dashboardMarketing > Google Shopping > Feed

Admin can view, edit, duplicate, sync, delete or create an unlimited feed to sync products to google merchant.

To create a new feed:

General Information:


Admin can set conditions or choose the products with suitable conditions to sync the google merchant.

Google Analytics:

Admin can add UTM parameters to track the performance of the feed