Thank you for purchasing our extension. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this document, do not hesitate to leave us an email via our email [email protected].

Created: 12/09/2019 | By: Magenest | Support Portal: 



For Admin

For Customer



On the backend, go to Magenest Afiliate > Configuration.

On the Configuration page

General Configuration

(plus) Enable Affiliate Module: choose Yes to activate the affiliate feature.

(plus) Auto Join Affiliate program when Customer registers:

(plus) Admin need review affiliate: If Yes, customer has to wait for the admin to approve the participant request to be able to join an affiliate program.

Commission Configuration


(plus) Enabled Commission: Choose Yes to enable the commission policy for the affiliate program.

(plus) Add commission to affiliate account balance when: decide the time to give commission to the referer between two options: Order Complete and Create Invoice.

(plus) Holding day:

(plus) Subtract commission from affiliate account balance when refund

(plus) Subtract commission type

(plus) Subtract commission value

Coupon Code Configuration

Withdraw Configuration

 (plus) Auto approve withdraw requests

(plus) Allowed Methods

(plus) Min Withdraw

(plus) Max Withdraw

(plus) Withdraw Fee



Manage Affiliate Program

(warning) Note: Admin can create up to 4 programs.

(plus) On the Admin site, go to Magenest Affiliate > Program.

(plus) To create an affiliate program, on the Affiliate Program page, click on Create New Program button.

(plus) On the Affiliate Program page


Manage Campaign

On the Admin sidebar, go to Magenest Affiliate > Campaign.

On Manage Campaign Page

Campain Information

Enter the main information for the campaign including name, status, description and the period that the campaign set as new.

Campaign Banner

(plus) Click on Create a banner for this campaign.