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Created: 12/09/2019 | By: Magenest | Support Portal: 



For Admin

For Customer



On the backend, go to Magenest Afiliate > Configuration.

On the Configuration page

General Configuration

(plus) Enable Affiliate Module: choose Yes to activate the affiliate feature.

(plus) Auto Join Affiliate program when Customer registers:

(plus) Admin need review affiliate: If Yes, customer has to wait for the admin to approve the participant request to be able to join an affiliate program.

Commission Configuration

(plus) Enabled Commission: Choose Yes to enable the commission policy for the affiliate program.

(plus) Add commission to affiliate account balance when: decide the time to give commission to the referer between two options: Order Complete and Create Invoice.

(plus) Holding day:

(plus) Subtract commission from affiliate account balance when refund

(plus) Subtract commission type

(plus) Subtract commission value