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Updated: 26/04/2019 | By: Magenest | Email: [email protected] | Support portal:



Banner Slider for Magento 2 lets merchants create and use sliders as banners on product listing pages. This allows you to promote your content and navigate traffic on your website.

Key feature

For Admin: 

For customer

System requirement

Your store must be running on:



On the Admin sidebar, tap Slider, then choose Manage Slider.

On the Slider Page, the customer can manage the available slider or create a new one.

Then on the New Slider Page:

On the quick preview box: This section allows the customer to decor and style the banner/ slider up to their choices.


(info) If you choose the Banner type:

(plus) On Item Configuration:




(plus) On Item Content Configurations



(plus) On the Content Configuration




(warning) Note: 

(info) If you choose Single Slider type: There are some additional settings besides that in the banner setting.


(info) If you choose 2 Slider - Slider Syncing type:

(warning) Note: 

Then set the configuration for each slider and item by the same way with the instruction above.



On Slider Position:


(warning) Note: The extension supports the sliders and banners to display on all pages or 4 pages including Home Page, Catalog Pages, Product Pages and One Page Checkout Success. To display the sliders or banners on another page, follow the instruction below.

 On Storefront


