Thank you for purchasing our extension. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this document, please feel free to contact us via [email protected]

Updated: 22/10/2018 | By: Magenest | Support Portal: 




Event Tickets by Magenest is the ultimate extension for E-commerce websites that allows merchants to create and manage events and tickets. Merchants can create multiple custom ticket options such as VIP, adults, children,… each with customized template to best fit the event's context. The extension can also send reminder emails so that your customer won't miss the event.

Full list of features

For admin

For customers

System Requirements

Your store should be running on 


Video Tutorial



In the back end, go to Stores > Configuration > Magenest > Event Ticket.


(plus) General:

(plus) Ticket

(plus) Email: 

Main Features 

Create a new event ticket

The extension added a new product type called Event Ticket Product into the system, so you need to add a new Event Ticket Product type to get started. 

In each product details, there is an Event Ticket settings

(plus) Tickets Setup

You can enable to apply the locations/schedules to all the ticket options.


Ticket options: 
You can add unlimited ticket options with its own price, quantity and description.
Price: The price modifier is added to the product base price. There are two price type (fixed and percent).
For example: Product base price is $100
Fixed price: The option for VIP seat costs $50, then the total price for the ticket will be $150.
Percent: The option for VIP seat costs 10% more from the product price. The total price for the ticket will be $110.

Input front type: You can choose to display the ticket options from 3 types (Drop-down, radio buttons, checkbox).

(plus) Template Settings:

Ticket Template: 

You can use the PDF Template created in Catalog > Event Management > PDF Template or a Custom Template. If you use the PDF Template, switch the Use Custom Template to No.



PDF Template

You can create any manage PDF Template in Catalog > Event Management > PDF Template

Custom Template

Or you can customize a ticket template right in the product settings by turning on the Use Custom Template.

Then you can upload the PDF background image (in jpeg, gif, png), adjust the page width, and page height.

In the PDF coordinates, you can choose the information fields, fill in the title, set the XY coordinates, and font/size, format, color and alignment for each information.

You can use MB-Ruler software to measure the XY coordinates on your ticket PDF, or watch the following tutorial video.

You can preview the template by clicking on the Print PDF button.




(plus) Email Template: 

You can use the Default Email Template or you can customize your own email template in Marketing > Email Template. Any template created in there will be listed in the email template drop-down for you to select.



Below is the default email template: 


{{template config_path="design/email/header_template"}}
<p>{{trans "Welcome to %store_name." store_name=$store.getFrontendName()}}</p>
 <li><strong>{{trans "Event Name: "}}</strong> <em> {{var title}}</em></li>
 <li><strong>{{trans "Customer Name: "}}</strong> {{var customer_name}}</li>
 <li><strong>{{trans "My Code: "}}</strong> {{var ticket_code}}</li>
 <li><strong>{{trans "Location Title: "}}</strong> {{var location_title}}</li>
 <li><strong>{{trans "Location Detail: "}}</strong> {{var location_detail}}</li>
 <li><strong>{{trans "Date: "}}</strong> {{var date}}</li>
 <li><strong>{{trans "Time: "}}</strong> {{var time}}</li>
 <li><strong>{{trans "Quantity: "}}</strong> {{var qty}}</li>
 <li><strong>{{trans "Option: "}}</strong> {{var option_type}}</li>
{{template config_path="design/email/footer_template"}}

(plus) Personal Information

In this settings, you can enable the attendee information form and set it as required. If it is required, customer will have to fill in the form before adding the tickets to cart.

If you do not need this feature, you can turn it down by switching the 2 options to No.

(plus) Report


(plus) Terms and conditions

You can add the terms and conditions for each event in this setting. 

Reminder Email Templates

Assign the email template to send as reminder email. You can create email template in Marketing > Email Templates

Below is the default email template: 


{{template config_path="design/email/header_template"}}

<p>{{trans "This is your reminder from %store_name." store_name=$store.getFrontendName()}}</p>
<p>{{trans "Your event starts in the next"}} {{var remind_day}} {{trans "days"}} </p>
	<li><strong>{{trans "Event: "}}</strong> <em> {{var title}}</em></li>
	<li><strong>{{trans "Customer Name: "}}</strong> {{var customer_name}}</li>
	<li><strong>{{trans "Your Code: "}}</strong> {{var ticket_code}}</li>
	<li><strong>{{trans "Location: "}}</strong> {{var location_title}}, {{var location_detail}}</li>
	<li><strong>{{trans "Date: "}}</strong> {{var event_date}}</li>
	<li><strong>{{trans "Time: "}}</strong> from {{var start_time}} to {{var end_time}}</li>
	<li><strong>{{trans "Quantity: "}}</strong> {{var qty}}</li>
	<li><strong>{{trans "Option: "}}</strong> {{var option_type}}</li>

{{template config_path="design/email/footer_template"}}

Manage events

You can manage the events on your store in Catalog > Event Management > Event.

You can export this table to the CSV/XML file.




Manage Tickets

You can manage the events on your store in Catalog > Event Management > Event Ticket.

In this table, you can track the customer and the ticket information (Quantity, Location, Date, Time), especially the ticket status (Redeemed or Redeemable).

You can also export this table to the CSV/XML file.



View Order

You can view the ticket info in each order



And Invoice: 


Store Front Functions

Select ticket options

Customers can choose the event location, date and time. They can also choose the ticket option and view the event location with the pinpoint on Google Map right on the product page.



After buying the event ticket successfully, in My Account tab, click on My Ticket, customers can view ticket price, status, duration, and location as well as print PDF Ticket. 




Customers should sign in to buy tickets. If they checkout as guests, the Customer name field in ticket PDF will be blank.






Once again, thank you for purchasing our extension. If you have any questions relating to this extension, please do not hesitate to contact us for support.
