Thank you for purchasing our extension. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this document, do not hesitate to leave us an email via [email protected] or submit a ticket on our support portal.

Updated: 31/01/2019 | By: Magenest | Support Portal:



WooCommerce Ticket from Magenest allows merchants to create event products and sell tickets on WooCommerce platform.

Features for admin

Features for customers

System Requirements

Your store should be running on WooCommerce 3.0, 3.4.7; Wordpress 4.8., 4.9.8



General Settings

In Ticket Manager > Settings

(plus) General settings


(plus) Email: You can set the default email template in this setting. You can also add specific email template in each product setting. If the email template in product setting is empty, this default one will be used.



Create event product

In the back end, go to Products > All Products > Click on Add New button to create new event ticket product.

First, you must tick in the Ticket checkbox. 

In the General settings, you can set the price for the tickets. The extension supports Simple product and Variable product so you can set the prices for either one of these two.

You can refer to this document on how to setup WooCommerce variable product

Simple product

Variable Product

(plus) Event details:


(plus) PDF Settings:


(plus) Email Settings


Design your PDF ticket

In the back end, go to Ticket Manager > PDF Ticket Design > Add new PDF Template


The changes you make for the PDF configuration can be previewed in the PDF View field.

(plus) PDF Config: You can adjust the page width and height and upload the background image for the ticket.

(plus) Text settings:

To add the text field, to you have to fill in the text content first, then click on Add new button.

You can then change the text font, color, and size. 

You can delete the text field by pressing the Recycle bin icon on the top right of the field.

(plus) Shortcode: There are 9 shortcodes available for your choice.

(plus) Image settings: Apart from background image, you can add more images to the ticket design. 

(plus) QR Code: Add the QR code to the design.


Create email templates

In the Ticket Manager > Email Templates, you can manage all available templates in the table, or creating new template by clicking on Add new email template button.


You can use the Grapejs Web Builder Framework to design the email template. Click on the Pen icon on the top left of the Email Design field.



Manage ticket/attendee list

You can manage the tickets on Ticket Manager page. 

With the filter by product, you can select a specific event and view all the tickets sold for that event. You can also resend, redeem or delete the ticket in the action column or select multiple tickets and use bulk actions.


Manage reminder emails

You can track the reminder email list in Ticket Manager > Reminder emails.

With the filter by product, you can select a specific event and view all the tickets sold for that event. You can view the ticket details, resend the reminder email or delete the record.



 Customers can choose distributed type and select the ticket type add unlimited attendees to event.



Admin can access manage ticket by click on menu Event Ticket Manager Manage tickets in back end

 You will see a grid view of tickets.

The module have powerful filter.

For example you want to filter only tickets that belong to product Miley show , you can fulfill the Product name with Miley and click Search.

You can even combine multiple filter criteria. For example you want to filter for ticket that is purchased by customer has email [email protected] and product name is Miley show , you can fulfill both product name and customer email and click Search button

You can export the ticket to csv and using Excel to manage it . click on Export Button

Manage tickets in front end

 Customers can see tickets they purchased by click on My account, they will see a grid view of My ticket, customers only see this grid when they sign in, nobody can't see this grid anyway.

In that grid, you can see order number, product name, start time, end time, location. You also can download purchased ticket again.



  • Notification Emails

When finish a purchase, an email is sent to customer: 


Ticket with Bar code

Ticket with QR code

You also can set the time and template sending reminder email before the event start or after sending ticket.

You can manage all reminder mail in Mail log. Click on Event ticket managerMail log

You can resend email to customers by click Send, Cancel email ( with pending email), delete and view detail, this grid also includes powerful filter can filter one or multiple criteria. 



  • Trouble Shooting


The module do not generate the pdf ticket as expected

You need to grand 777 permission to the upload folder of woocommerce ticket

If you have want the further features that is not supported in current version, do not hesitate to contact us.
