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Updated: 19/10/2018 | By: Magenest 

Support portal:

Key Features

The WooCommerce gift registry

For Admin

For Registry's Owner

For Registry's friends/ Visitors

System Requirements

Your store should be running on WooCommerce 3.0, 3.4.7; Wordpress 4.8., 4.9.8




The Woocommerce gift registry is an module that allows customers to create gift registry for wedding, birthday, party, baby gift registry on your store. After fulfilled information about gift registry customer can add items in your store to his gift registry. Customer can share gift registry via Facebook, Twitter, Google plus and email to friends. Friends follows links and buy gifts for gift registry's owner. The plugin can send notification email about the gift order.



In the back end, go to WooCommerce > Settings> Gift registry


Guest permission: Select this to enable guests to add products to gift registry item list

Send notification emails of gift registry new orders to: You can choose to send notification emails of new orders to registry's owner, registrant, and admin

Email subject for Registry's owner: The default email subject for the notification emails sent to registry's owner

Email template for Registry's owner: The email content for the notification emails sent to registry's owner. You can use the following shortcodes to add the content {{buyer_name}},{{store_url}},{{store_name}},{{order_items}},{{break_line}}

1{{buyer_name}}The gift purchaser's name
2{{store_url}}The link to your store
3{{order_number}}The order ID
4{{store_name}}Your store name
5{{order_items}}The name of the items in the order
6{{break_line}}To break the lines of the email

Make shipping address mandatory:  Gift registry's owner is NOT allowed to add products to gift registry unless he/she fills in the shipping address when creating the gift registry

Default message for social sharing: This is the content/caption for your social post when sharing the gift registry URL.

Image attached for social sharing: This image will be posted along with the gift registry URL on social network, or attached along with the email when sharing via email.

Share gift registry via: You can allow the visitors to share the gift registry URL via Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, or email.


Press Save changes to save the configuration.

Gift Registry Management

You can view, edit or delete the gift registry in the back end on Gift Registry Management page. 

Click on Edit in each gift registry, you can edit the gift registry information.

How gift registry works

Customer must register an account on the store in order to create a gift registry and one user can only create one registry.

User clicks on Create gift registry to create a new registry. There are 3 tabs: Information, Item and Share.


Gift registry's owner will fill in the registry info. He/she can add co-registrant to the registry

(plus) Registry's owner can set the privacy mode for the gift registry. 

Public: Every can see the gift registry

Private: Password is required to see the gift registry


(plus) Registry's owner can set the quantity display for the gift registry items

Drop-down list: Your friends must purchase within the "desired quantity" (ie: Desired quantity = 10; buyers can purchase maximum 10 units of that product)

Text field: Your friends can purchase more than the "desired quantity".(ie: Desired quantity = 10; buyers can purchase more than 10 units of that product)



Gift giver can enter quantity of item and click buy button. After click buy button, he begins a session to buy gift for friends. He can see

He can view the gift registry that he are buying item for , or he can end gift giver session by click the link on top of cart.

The shipping address is auto fulfilled with gift registry's owner shipping address.

After an gift giver buy item, the module will send notification email to admin and gift registry's owner and he will see the received item in his gift registry manage section.

How admin use gift registry functionality

Admin can view , delete, edit the gift registry from the gift registry panel


Road map

If you have want the further features that is not supported in current version, do not hesitate to contact us.