This Page will guide you through the process that you will have to go through for us to perform the Installation Service (extra $50 on the base price) for all of our extensions!

Provide information for installation via our support portal

After purchasing our Extension with Installation Service, please navigate to, sign up for a new account. Note that the account on JIRA system is different from the account you used to purchase the extension on our store.

Then submit a support ticket with the following information

For Magento 2 extensions:

SSH access form:

Host :

User Name : thisisguest

Password : jkasd(*&asd9)(!

Root directory : \var\www\html\public_html

[Port] : 2231


For Magento 1 extensions:

FTP access form:


Username: [email protected]

Password: %&#*(&$)@*

Port: 21


Our installation service will be carried out within 2 business-day time in case you provide all required access information.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our support team at [email protected], we are happy to assist you. 
