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Thank you for purchasing our extension. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this document, please feel free to contact us via [email protected]

Updated: 22/10/2018 | By: Magenest | Support Portal: 




Event Tickets by Magenest is the ultimate extension for E-commerce websites that allows store admins to manage events and tickets. Store admin can also create custom ticket such as VIP, regular, adults only,… each with customized template to best fit the event's context. The extension can also send reminder so that your customer won't miss out the event. 

For more details, live-demo and user reviews, please visit: Event Ticket


  • Create events
  • Support multiple locations, multiple dates, multiple sessions/timeslot for the event. 
  • Create ticket products in an easy way. 
  • Specify custom ticket type for each event and set name, price, quantity and sequence of available tickets for each type
  • Bar code and QR code are automatically generated
  • Preview and print your pdf ticket instantly in back end
  • Easily track attendees, purchased amount for each ticket
  • Allows to manage tickets and events in the order view
  • Send ticket confirmation emails to event attendees
  • Admin can send multiple tickets to customer either one email or multiple emails   
  • Send printable tickets with auto-generated QR codes and Bar codes
  • Display customer’s events in My Account area
  • Export event attendees, event list, ticket list into CSV, XML files .

System Requirements

Your store should be running on Magento Community Edition version 2.0.x, 2.1.x. or 2.2.x

Tutorial video


At backend of Magento 2, go to Store menu > Magenest  > Event Ticket backend page to set up for Event Ticket extension. 



  • Pattern to generate code: Fill the code format. 
  • Change quantity: Admin can choose one of two time options for changing quantity of event options.  
  • Google API Keys: Fill your Google API key to show map of event in frontend. 
  • Configuration: Admin can choose to send one email or multiple emails for multiple tickets


Main Feature 

For Admin 

Creating a new event ticket

The extension added a new product type called Event Ticket Product into the system, so you need to add a new Event Ticket Product type to get started. 


Enter information into each of the form's fields: 


(plus) Schedule

At Event Booking Tab > Click on Schedule to set schedule for the event. Admin can set multiple locations, multiple dates, multiple sections for each event. Especially, you can choose whether to enable locations or dates/times for events. 


  • Location: Specify the location details
  • Date & Time of Event: specify the event date. 

(plus) Settings Ticket

(minus) Event Options

Through this section, you can set up various ticket types and options. 



  • Title - specify the title text for the ticket type selection section in the frontend product view
  • Input Type: You can choose drop down/radio button/check box.
  • Required: check this box if you want your customer at least choose one ticket type before check out.
  • Ticket Types - you can create a number of different ticket types for the same event. The available tickets may differ in price. 

A given ticket type has the below options: 

  • Title - frontend ticket type title
  • Price - the price modifier value
  • Price Type - the price modifier type (fixed/ percent) NOTE: the price modifier is added to the basic product price
  • SKU [optional] - allows adding the SKU postfix to the main product's SKU (this postfix will be displayed in the Order Details). 
  • Qty - the available quantity of tickets of a given type

(minus) PDF Template

PDF Template allows you to create your PDF Ticket with background, width, height, and coordinates in PDF. 



  • Background PDF: Upload your image background
  • Page width: width of PDF template
  • Page height: height of PDF template

Print PDF: click on Print PDF button to print PDF ticket

  • Coordinates allow you to set information to display on the PDF Ticket. 




(minus) Email Template: 

Admins can choose Default Email Template or you can customize email for your store based on the email template below:



Below is the email template: 


Email Template
{{template config_path="design/email/header_template"}}
<p>{{trans "Welcome to %store_name." store_name=$store.getFrontendName()}}</p>
 <li><strong>{{trans "Event Name: "}}</strong> <em> {{var title}}</em></li>
 <li><strong>{{trans "Customer Name: "}}</strong> {{var customer_name}}</li>
 <li><strong>{{trans "My Code: "}}</strong> {{var ticket_code}}</li>
 <li><strong>{{trans "Location Title: "}}</strong> {{var location_title}}</li>
 <li><strong>{{trans "Location Detail: "}}</strong> {{var location_detail}}</li>
 <li><strong>{{trans "Date: "}}</strong> {{var date}}</li>
 <li><strong>{{trans "Time: "}}</strong> {{var time}}</li>
 <li><strong>{{trans "Quantity: "}}</strong> {{var qty}}</li>
 <li><strong>{{trans "Option: "}}</strong> {{var option_type}}</li>
{{template config_path="design/email/footer_template"}}


You can use MB-Ruler software to measure distances and angles on your ticket. This application is free download.

We have a video tutorial helping you in this section: 

(plus) Information

  • Summary

This is the list of ticket options, with Purchased quantity, Available quantity and revenue for each type, as shown. 


  • Attendees

In the Attendees tab, the admin can easily manage the attendees of the event. In this tab, all the event attendees will be listed. Please, note that a customer will appear in this section after their order gets processed.




At backend, go to Product menu then select Event tab or Event Ticket tab to displays the actual event & ticket sales.

  • In the Event tab: 

This grid lists ALL the items which had ever had Event Ticket functionality enabled, include: product IDevent namestart timeend timereminder daystatus and location. You can and export to the CSV/XML file.



  • In the Event Ticket tab:

You can see this grid displays the actual ticket sales and export to the CSV/XML file. 

(warning) Remember that admin must change status from Not Redeem to Redeem when the ticket has already been scanned. 



Admin can click on View button to follow the detailed information about the order or the invoice. 

  • Order: 



  • Invoice: 


For Customer 

When a customer is on a frontend detail page of a product of type Event Ticket, he will be able to view all information about the event as start time, end time, location, and event options then add to cart. 



After buying the event ticket successfully, in My Account tab, click on My Ticket, customers can view ticket price, status, duration, and location as well as print PDF Ticket. 



Or customers can take the event ticket from their email. 




Your customers should sign in stores when buying tickets. If a guest buys the ticket, the Customer name field in PDF will be blank.



  • When a bug fix or new feature is released, we will provide you with the module's new package.
  • All you need to do is repeating the above installing steps and uploading the package onto your store. The code will automatically override.
  • Flush the config cache. Your store and newly installed module should be working as expected.



  • We will reply to support requests after 2 business days.
  • We will offer lifetime free update and 6 months free support for all of our paid products. Support includes answering questions related to our products, bug/error fixing to make sure our products fit well in your site exactly like our demo.
  • Support DOES NOT include other series such as customizing our products, installation and uninstallation service.


Once again, thank you for purchasing our extension. If you have any questions relating to this extension, please do not hesitate to contact us for support.


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