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Cache Warmer for Magento 2 is made to ensure fast page loading speed and better shopping experience. Cache Warmer can be custom-scheduled to warm all the pages.


(plus) On the admin sidebar, go to Stores > Configuration > Magenest > Cache Warmer.

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(plus) Under General section

    • Enable Extension: Set the option to Yes to activate the extension Cache Warmer. The option has a 'Global' scope so it is not possible to run the warmer on a certain web store/store view.
    • Auto-generate Queue upon Cache Flush: Set the option to Yes to automatically generate all the available full page cache pages in queue after cache flushing.
    • Auto-add Pages into Queue upon Page Changes: This feature is to update the queue with Product, Category, Cms Page URLs upon being updated. 
    • Instantly Hit Cache upon Page Changes: Set the option to Yes to automatically warm up all the available full page cache pages that are relevant to the Product, Category or Cms Page being edited.
    • Additional Custom Urls to join the Queue: This text field is to be filled with URLs that might not be included in the page generating process. URLs in the box are separated by a line break then they will appear at the end of the queue after page generation.


    • Max Requests in One Process: The extension comes with the parallel process, thus it can be able to warm up multiple pages per one request. This field determines how many threads you would like to use to perform page warm up.
    • Enabled schedule tasks: Set the option to Yes to enable timely queue generation and page warming up.
    • Queue Generation Schedule: Cron expression here to specify scheduled time to execute queue generation. E.g. 1 1 * * * - At 01:01am every day. Try cron expressions here.
    • Warming Schedule: Cron expression here to specify scheduled time to execute warming up pages. E.g.  */5 * * * * - to run the cron job every five minutes. Try cron expressions here.
    • Scheduled Single Batch Size: The number of page URLs to be processed at a single scheduled execution.

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Full page cache queue

(plus) To perform the extension functional execution, go to Cache Warmer > Url Queue > Url Queue.
