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Thank you for purchasing our extension. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this document, please feel free to contact us, we will be happy to assist.

Updated: 1329/04/2020 2021 | By: Magenest | Email: [email protected] | Support portal:


Banner Slider for Magento 2 lets merchants create and use sliders as banners on product listing pages. This allows you to promote your content and navigate traffic on your website.

Key featureBanner SliderImage Added

For Admin


  • Choose between three types of banner banners and slidersliders.

  • Create sliders in Magento 2 backend.

  • Upload photos to use as a slide.

  • Add links to slides.

  • Highly customizable appearance.

  • Multiple slider animations.

  • Receive the banner/slider click reports (NEW)

  • Import banner template (NEW)




  • Quickly access to the outstanding product on the shop page.


Your store must be running on:

  • Magento Open Source 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x

  • Magento Commerce 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x



(plus) On the Admin sidebar, click on Slider, then choose Manage Slider. choose Banner Slider > Manage Banner Slider

(plus) On the Slider Page, the customer can manage the available slider or create a new one.

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(star)  There are 3 types: Banner, Single Slider, 2 Sliders with Synchronized Transition.

(star) You can create a new banner.

Create a Banner

(plus) Then  Click on the Add New Slider Page button on the Manage Banners/Sliders page

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(plus) On Slider Setting section:

  • Enable or disable the slider/ banner



  • Slider/ Banner Name


  • Choose the type for the banner. There are 3 types: Banner, Single Slider, 2 Sliders - Slider Sync.

(plus) On the quick preview box: This section allows the customer to decor and style the banner/ slider up to their choices.

(info) If you choose the Banner type:

There are two ways to add a new banner. You can create a new banner, or import one.

(star) Click on the Add New Slider button on the Manage Banners/Sliders page


  • : insert the name of the banner/slider
  • Type: Choose Banner's type 


Single Slider

2 Sliders with Synchronized Transition

  • Active From Date: Choose the day to activate the banner/slider.
  • Active to Date:  Choose the day to deactivate the banner/slider.

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Add custom CSS to style your new banner

  • Click on the Edit icon next to Banner, you'll see the Style Configuration box. You could add custom CSS there to style your new banner.

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Add a New Banner with the configuration feature

If Image Removed(plus) If you do not have a CSS banner available, you could add it with the Banner Container configuration feature.

(plus) Customize the Banner Container

  • Click on the Edit icon next to the Banner Container
  • Customer Class: enter the name of the custom class which is defined on the Banner Configuration.
  • Padding and Margin section, adjust the dimension of the banner according to your requirement. Then see the effects for your changes on the demo banner on the left side.
  • Choose Category: select one category on the drop-down list to get data

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  • Image File: Upload a new background image for the banner.


(warning) Please note that you can only upload the image with png, .jpeg, .jpg. format and a maximum size of 2MB

  • Image (mobile) File: Upload


  • a new background image for


  • Mobile Please note that


  • you can only upload the image with png, .jpeg, .jpg. format with


  • a maximum size of 2MB


          (warning) Note: you can choose custom upload or Select from Gallery.

  • Background Image Attribute
    • Position: Choose a position for the image
    • Repeat: Choose if the image can be repeated to be fully displayed in the container when its size is smaller than the container
    • Size: Choose how the image is displayed in the container (Cover, Contain or Auto)
    • Padding and Margin: adjust the dimension of the banner according to your requirement. View the effects of

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(plus) On Banner Content Configuration:


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    • your changes on the demo banner on the left side.
  • Choose


  • Category: select one category on the drop-down list to get data for the banner


  • .
  • Banner/Slider URL: You can fill in a URL under the http/https, ftp format to redirect users to an external link when they click on the banner.
  • Opening Banner/Slider URL in a new tab: Choose Yes to set when users click on Banner with URL, there will be a new tab
  • Custom Class: enter the name of the custom class which is defined on the Banner Configuration.

(plus) Customize the Banner Content

  • Click on the Edit icon next to the Banner Content

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  • Animation: Choose banner content animation.


There is a wide range of options for you to select according to your needs


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  • Animation Delay: Set the time (per second) to delay the banner content's effect.
  • Width, Height: Set size for the content of Banner
  • Padding and Margin: Adjust the dimension for the banner padding and margin to fit your requirement.

View the effects of your changes on the demo banner on the left side.

  • Background Color, Opacity: Choose the background color for the content of Banner


(plus) On  Custom the Content Box ConfigurationsBox 

If you click on the Edit icon in the Content box, you'll be able to configure the content.

  • Type: You can select Button, Text, or HTML

If you select




HTML you'll be able to edit the banner button according to the image below

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(star) Once you select


 Button, you'll be able to


edit the banner


button according to the image below

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(star) Once you select the


 Text type, you


'll be able to configure the banner


text like the image below

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(star) Click on the Import button to import a banner template

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  • On the Import page

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  • Import cvs or xml file
  • Download Sample File: You can have 10 sample templates with attrating-design layouts.

(info) If you choose the Single Slider type:

There are some additional settings besides that in the banner setting.

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(star) On tab Slider Position:

  • Design Theme
  • Assign to Store Views
  • Sort Order: Select the order to display the banner/slider on the front end
  • Layout Updates: Set up the banner/slider position

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Create a Slider

(plus) Choose the type Single SliderUnder the quick preview box, click on the Add New Slider Item button to add


the number of sliders that you expected.


(plus) Click on each Slider Item button on the left to configure for each slider.

(plus) On Slider Configuration:


  • Items/Slider:


  •  choose the number of slider items that will appear at the same time in a slide.
  • Slider Animation: Choose Slider animation
  • Animation Delay (s): Set the time (per second) to delay the slider's effect.

(star) Note: Animation delay must be smaller than Auto Play Speed

  • Margin (Spacing between items):


  •  set the distance between the slider items. The unit for space is Px.
  • Then adjust the layout effect for the slider.
  • Arrows:


  •  display the switch button aside.
  • Dots: display the dots on the slider footer when switching the sliders.
  • Auto Height:


  •  synchronize the height of slider backgrounds with different


  • sizes. The largest height will be set as the default height.
  • Loop
  • Auto Play
  • Draggable
  • Center Mode

(plus) Under Style Configuration

  • Custom Class: Enter the name of the custom class that is defined in the below section.
  • Custom


  • CSS:


  •  define the custom


  • CSS to style the slider.

(plus) On Item Configurations and Item Content Configurations,


please refer to the instruction


for this part of Banner Settings


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Create 2 Sliders with Synchronized Transition

(plus) Choose the type 2 Sliders with Synchronized TransitionThere


(info) If you choose 2 Slider - Slider Syncing type:

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will be 2 default sliders created. These sliders will be displayed on the front end at the same time and interact with each other.

(plus) On each slider configuration, click


on the Add New Slider


Item button to create new slider items. Note that when a number of slider items created on one slider,


an equal number of slider items will be generated automatically on the other slider.


Set the Slider Configurations following the instruction in the image

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(warning) Note: There

  • Slider Item configuration
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  • Slider Item Content configuration
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  • Content configuration

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(warning) Note: 


will be a number of slider items created automatically on one slider


. This number equal to the number of slider items added on the other slider.

The item on one slider will be displayed at the same time


as the item in the same order on the other slider. For example,


slider item 2 in slider 1 will be displayed with


slider item 2 in


slider 2 at once.


Import Banner/Slider


(plus) On  On the Admin sidebar, go to Content > Widgets > Add Widget.choose System > Data Transfer > Import

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(plus) On the Widget configuration Import page.

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  • Entity Type:
  • Category
  •  Choose Banner Slider import
  • Design theme: Magento Luma
  • Then click on Continue

(plus) On the Storefront Properties

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  • Widget Title: Enter the name of the widget to be displayed on the backend
  • Assign to Store View: All Store Views
  • Sort Order: Select the order to display the banner/slider on the front end
  • Layout Updates: Set up the banner/slider position
(plus) On the Widger Options page
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  • Choose Slider: Select the banner/slider you want to add to the storefront
  • Active From Date: Enter the day to activate the banner/slider. Format YYYY/MM/DD
  • Active To Date: Enter the day to deactivate the banner/slider. Format YYYY/MM/DD
  • (warning)Note: Active To Date value must be greater than or equal to Active From Date value and Active From Date value must be greater than or equal to the current date
  • Import Behavior: Choose Type Import

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(plus) You can download the sample file by clicking Download Sample File

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(plus) Click Choose File to select the file to import.

         Find the CSV file that you prepared to import and click Open.

         After that, click Check Data button

         Wait a few moments for the validation process to complete.

         If the import data is valid, the following message appears:

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If the file is valid, click Import.

The import process continues to the end of the data unless an error is encountered.



Clicks Banners/Sliders

(plus) On the Admin Sidebar, go to Banner Slider > Reports Click Banners/Sliders

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(plus) On the Report page, the admin can see the Slider Name, Clicks total, and Click Date.

One IP address can only be counted as one click.

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(warning) Note: The report only includes the number of click on the linked sliders (without the number of click on the button)

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On  On Storefront




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Single Slider


See more in here 

  • 2 Sliders - Slider Syncing

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See more in here

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Sliders with Synchronized Transition

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  • When a bug fix or new feature is released, we will provide you with the updated package.
  • All you need to do is following the above installing steps and uploading the package onto to your store. The code will automatically override.
  • Flush the configure cache. Your store and newly installed module should be working as expected.


  • We will reply to support request within 2 business days.
  • We will offer lifetime free update and 6-month free support for all of our paid products. Support includes answering questions related to our products, bug/error fixing to make sure our products fit well in your site exactly like our demo.
  • Support DOES NOT include other services such as customizing our products, installation, and uninstallation service.
