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Introduction of Woocommerce Xero Integration

Woocommerce Xero Integration is a great tool which allows you to synchronize accounting data automatically from Wordpress store to Xero Website.

The main features

1. Sync customers from Woocommerce to Xero in automatic or manual mode.

2. Sync products from Woocommerce to Xero in automatic or manual mode.

3. Sync orders from Woocommerce store to Xero in automatic or manual mode.

4. Sync invoices from Woocommerce store to Xero in automatic or manual mode.

5. Report data sync from Woocommerce to Xero.

6. On/Off sync customer/product/invoice from Woocomerce store to Xero.


1. You need private key and public key: Visit this link and follow the instructions - Create a public/private key pair


-       Step 1: openssl genrsa -out privatekey.pem 1024

-       Step 2: openssl req -new -x509 -key privatekey.pem -out publickey.cer -days 1825

-       Step 3: openssl pkcs12 -export -out public_privatekey.pfx -inkey privatekey.pem -in publickey.cer

NOTE:  When you creates a public key and private key, press "Enter" and do not enter a password or any information during key generation.


2. Create private application in

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-       Choose: Private - just for use with my own organisation


-       Select which organisation your application can access

-       X509 Public Key Certificate       Public Key:

+     Choose: Upload X509 certificate file (.cer)

+     Upload the file publickey.cer has just initialized

+     Click the checkbox: I have read and agree to the Xero Developer Platform.

-       Click button SaveCreate App.

You receive:

  1. Consumer Key
  2. Consumer Secret

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Copy and store 2 keys received.


Woocommerce -> Settings -> Xero Integration and Fill in the box with the data you just obtained.

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-       Consumer Key and Consumer secret in app xero.


5. Report data sync from woocommerce to xero

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