Versions Compared


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Here we will guide you through the installation process of our extension. First off, open FileZilla, log in to your host as follows:


Image Added


In the above example we switched the local site to the module extension directory, and the remote site to the code directory. Now on the remote site window, inside app/code directory, create a folder named Magenest and go inside it. Now on your local site window, right click on Wrapper extension and click Upload. The extension will be uploaded onto your host in a few minutes.

The second method will require you to compress the extension into .zip or .tar.gz format, then execute the following command in your Command Line/Terminal:

    scp <path to your extension> <ssh server>:<path to Magenest directory>

Then Now, using your Command line/Terminal, log into your ssh server, go to Magenest directory and execute the following command to decompress the module:

    unzip <.zip compressed extension> 


    tar -xzvf <.tar.gz compressed extension>

Now go to your Magento root directory, say it's named magento2, and execute the following commands:

cd ..
    sudo chmod -R 777755 magento2
cd magento2
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    php bin/magento setup:static-content:upgradedeploy
    sudo chmod -R 777 var pub




After running all these, your Command line/Terminal window might look like this:


Image Modified


Finally, you need to flush the cache by either type this into the Command Line/Terminal:

    php bin/magento cache:flush

Or go to your backend site, go to System > Cache Management and flush all cachesclick Flush Magento Cache


Image Modified


Now you can go to your store and check if the extension is working as expected. We are sure it is!.





You need to log in backend Magento 2: Stores > Configuration > Magenest > Odoo configuration.


Click on Stores > Odoo Integration > View Report. You will see all of synced data here.



Main functions

  1. The extension syncs Synchronizing Magento 2 registered customers to Odoo Contacts & Leads


Magento 2 Account Dashboard

Odoo Lead

Odoo Contact


2. The extension sync products Synchronizing products from Magento 2 store to Odoo.


Magento 2 product

Odoo Product


3. The extension syncs orders Synchronizing orders from magento 2 store to Odoo

Magento 2 order

Odoo Salesorder


5. The extension sync invoice Synchronizing invoices from Magento 2 store to Odoo

Magento 2 Invoice


Odoo Invoice



  • When a bug fix or new feature is released, we will provide you with the module's new package.
  • All you need to do is repeating the above installing steps and uploading the package onto your store. The code will automatically override.
  • Flush the config cache. Your store and newly installed module should be working as expected.


