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(minus) Create a Simple Product


simple product can be sold individually or as part of a grouped, configurable, or bundle product


  • On admin menu, choose Catalog > Products

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        •  Click Add Product.


  • Fill in general product information
    • Attribute Set: Set of product attributes


    • Product Name&SKU: Product name, SKU will be generate automatically based on product name.
    • Price: Product price (For additional product price option, click on Advance pricing Image Removed)
    • Tax: Select tax class
      • None: No tax
      • Taxable Good: Tax per product
      • Shipping: Tax on shipment
    • Other optional information: LengthWidthHeightWeight.
    • Visibility: Choose Category,sreach by Magento default
    • Categories assign products to categories.


    • Store: chọn các cửa hàng có sản phẩm (dùng nút Ctrl+click chuột trái để chọn nhiều Store)
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    • Source: 
    • Assign Source để chọn kho hàng -> chọn kho hàng của sản phẩm sau đó ấn vào Done


    • Advenced Inventory là cài đặt hàng tồn trong kho hàng (bỏ chọn trên Use Config Settings để chỉnh sửa)


    • Mở rộng Content để điền mô tả sản phẩm.


          • Mở rộng Images And Videos để tải hình minh họa cho sản phẩm

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    • Search Engine Optimization: để tối ưu hóa tìm kiếm sản phẩm. Hãy điền các mục sau: URL Key, Meta Title, Mete Keywords, Meta Description


          • Thêm những sản phẩm liên quan-> Click Add Related Products.
          • Thêm những sản phẩm thay thế-> Click Add Up-Sell Products.
          • Thêm những sản phẩm bán chéo-> Click Add Cross-Sell Products.

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        • Ta thử ví dụ chọn một số sản phẩm liên quan (Add Related Products) cho gói sản phẩm mới này.
    • Chọn những sản phẩm cần thêm sau đó nhấn vào nút Add Selected Products.


    • Nếu đây là sản phẩm máy cần bảo hành thì ta chọn Yes tại: Guarantee


  • Nhấn Save để lưu sản phẩm, sau khi đã nhấn Save thì sẽ có thông báo hiện lên trên đầu là đã tạo sản phẩm thành công:


  • Sau đó ta chỉ cần đi kiểm tra sản phẩm đã hiển thị chưa để đảm bảo sản phẩm đã được khởi tạo thành công.


. A simple product with custom options is sometimes referred to as a composite product.

Image AddedSimple Product


Step 1: Choose the product type

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Catalog > Products.

  2. On the Add Product ( Image Added ) menu at the upper-right, choose Simple Product.

    Image AddedAdd Simple Product

Step 2: Choose the attribute set

To choose the attribute set that is used as a template for the product, do one of the following:

  • For Search, enter the name of the attribute set.

  • In the list, choose the attribute set that you want to use.

Image AddedChoose Attribute Set

Step 3: Complete the required settings

  1. Enter the Product Name.

  2. Accept the default SKU that is based on the product name or enter another.

  3. Enter the product Price.

  4. Set the Enable Product option to Yes to publish the product.

  5. Click Save and continue.

    When the product is saved, the Store View chooser appears in the upper-left corner.

  6. Choose the Store View where the product is to be available.

    Image AddedChoose Store View

Step 4: Complete the basic settings

  1. Set Tax Class to one of the following:

    • None
    • Taxable Goods
  2. Enter the Quantity of the product that is currently in stock.

    By default, Stock Status is set to In Stock.

    Inventory Management: If you enable Inventory Management, Single Source merchants set the quantity in this section. Multi-Source merchants add sources and quantities in the Sources section. See the following Assign Sources and Quantities (Inventory Management) section.

  3. Enter the Weight of the product.

  4. Accept the default Visibility setting of Catalog, Search.

  5. To assign Categories to the product, click the Select… box and do either of the following:

    Choose an existing category:

    • Start typing in the box to find a match.

    • Select the checkbox of each category that is to be assigned.

    Create a new category:

    • Click New Category.

    • Enter the Category Name and choose the Parent Category to determine its position in the menu structure.

    • Click Create Category.

  6. To feature the product in the list of new products, select the Set Product as New checkbox.

  7. Choose the Country of Manufacture.

    Image AddedProduct Details

8. Assign Sources and Quantities (Inventory Management)

For Multi Source merchants using Inventory Management, scroll down to the Sources section and assign sources and quantities:

  • To add a source, click Assign Sources. The Assign Sources page displays.
  • Browse or search for a source you want to add. Select the checkbox next to the source(s) you want to add for the product.

Image AddedAssign sources to the product

  • Click Done to add the sources.
  • To change settings and quantities per assigned source, do the following:
    • Set Source Item Status to In Stock.

    • Enter an amount update the Qty for on-hand stock.

    • To set a notification for inventory quantities, do one of the following:

Custom Notify QuantityClear the Notify Quantity Use Default checkbox and enter an amount in Notify Quantity.
Default Notify QuantitySelect the Notify Quantity Use Default checkbox. Magento checks and uses the setting in Advanced Inventory or global Store configuration.

Image AddedUpdate Product Quantities per Source

Step 5: Complete the product information

Scroll down and complete the information in the following sections as needed:

  • Content
  • Images and Videos
  • Related Products, Up-Sells, and Cross-Sells
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Customizable Options
  • Products in Websites
  • Design
  • Gift Options

Step 6: Publish the product

  1. If you are ready to publish the product in the catalog, set the Enable Product switch to Yes.

  2. Do one of the following:

    Method 1: Save and Preview

    • In the upper-right corner, click Save.

    • To view the product in your store, choose Customer View on the Admin (Image Added) menu.

      The store opens in a new browser tab.

      Image Added

    Method 2: Save and Close

    On the Save (Image Added) menu, choose Save & Close.

    Image Added


Things to remember

  • Simple products can be included in configurable, bundle, and grouped product types.

  • A simple product can have custom options with a variety of input controls, which makes it possible to sell many product variations from a single SKU.
