Versions Compared


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Thank you for purchasing our extension. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this document, do not hesitate to leave us an email via [email protected]

Updated: 3105/0105/2019 2020 | By: Magenest | Support Portal:


  • Create/Edit one or multiple popups
  • 25+ default popup templates
  • 4 popup triggers: Exit-intent popup, after After users spend X seconds on the page, after After users scroll X% of the page, after After users view X pages on the website
  • 5 6 popup types: Yes/No button, Subscribe Form, Social Sharing, Contact Form, Static Popup, Hot Deal
  • Assign a template to each popup 
  • Display popup on any page
  • Full-screen popup
  • Use WYSIWYG editor to edit the content of the popup
  • Use CSS to style the popup
  • Report on popup performance


(plus) To enable the extension, go to Stores > Configuration > Magenest > Popup


Add New Popup Template

In (plus) In Magento 2 backend, go to Content > Magenest Popup > Manage Template. On this page, you can manage all popup templates, on the Action column, you can select to edit, delete, or preview the template.


  • For a new popup template, you can name the template
  • You can choose the popup template type from 6 available types. The available template files ar
    • Yes/No button
    • Contact Form
    • Social Sharing
    • Subscribe Form
    • Static Popup
    • Hot Deal
  • You can customize the content and style the popup with HTML and CSS.

Add New Popup

Go (plus) Go to Content > Magenest Popup > Manage Popup, you can view and manage all the available popups. 

You can create a new popup by clicking on the Add New Popup button on the right side.

General Settings

In (plus) In General Settings, you can name the popup, choose the popup type, active time (Start Date - End Date), and set the priority.


Popup Configuration

In (plus) In Popup configuration page

  • Popup Template: Assign the template to this popup. You can add more templates on the Manage Template page.
  • Enable Floating Button: Select Yes to enable the floating button to trigger the popup.
  • Display Popup: Choose to display the popup before or after clicking on the floating button.
  • Floating Button Content: Enter the name of the button.
  • Floating Button Position: Select a position to display the button on the storefront.
  • Floating Button Text Color: Select a color for the button text in the color scheme.
  • Floating Button Background Color:  Select a color for the button background in the color scheme.
  • Popup Trigger: Select a popup trigger method.
  • Number X: Define the X value in the Popup Trigger setting.
  • Popup Position on page: You can display the popup in All pages, Homepage, All CMS Pages, All Category Pages, Product pages.
  • Stores: Set the store view to display the popup.
  • Enable Cookie Lifetime: Duration (in seconds) before the popup appears again for the same customer.
  • Layout Update: Select a page to display the popup.


HTML Content

(plus) You can customize the content and style of the popup using the WYSIWYG editor.

 Image Modified

You can also select an additional background image to add to the popup.



(plus) In the Report tab, you can see the popup performance with the number of clicks, views and the CTR (Click-through rate)

Data Log

On the Magento 2 backend, you can view the data that customers fill in the popup (form) in Content > Magenest Popup > Data Collection.


Storefront Display

(plus) After finishing all the configuration, you can see the popups displayed on the storefront correctly as the requirements.

  • The floating button

Image Added

  • Popup - Yes/No button

Image Added

  • Popup - Contact Form

Image Added

  • Popup - Social Share

Image Added

  • Popup - Subscribe Form

Image Added

  • Popup - Static Popup

Image Added

  • Popup - Hot Deal

Image Added


  • When a new update is available, we will provide you with a new package containing our updated extension.
  • You will have to delete the module directory and repeat the installing installation steps above.
  • Flush the config cache. Your store and newly installed module should be working as expected.


  • We will reply to support requests within 2 business days.
  • We will offer offer a lifetime free update and 6 months of free support for all of our paid products. Support includes answering questions related to our products, bug/error fixing to make sure our products fit well in your site exactly like our demo.
  • Support DOES NOT include other series such as customizing our products, installation, and uninstallation service.
