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Thank you for purchasing our extension. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this document, please feel free to contact us, we will be happy to assist

Created: 22/06/2016 | By: Magenest | Email: [email protected] | Shop By Brand:

Table of Contents




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Shop By Brand Extension for Magento 2 is a powerful tool to boost sales by allowing customers to choose products from brands they want to buy.

Key Features

  • Easily create the new brand, including: brand name, logo, banner, slogan and more
  • Allow admin to add products when creating the new brand
  • Allow admin to add an existing product into a brand
  • Allow admin to show product with the brand name
  • The dashboard displays the percentage of brands (using pie chart) that contain the product
  • The dashboard displays total order of brands, contribution of each brand (calculation based on product price).

  • Allow admin to show brand icon in product list

  • Allow admin to show featured product and featured brand
  • Allow customers to search for the brand

System Requirements

 Your store should be running on Magento 2 Community Edition version 2.2.x, 2.


3.x or Magento 2 Enterprise Edition version 2.2.x, 2.






Set configuration 

Go to Stores > Configuration > Shop By Brand to configure.


On the admin sidebar, go to Shop By Brand > Settings to set the general configuration for the extension. On the Configuration page:


    • Add Brands page Link to Main Menu: Choose Yes to add


    • Brands tab on the main menu.
    • Menu Title:


    • Enter the name of the


    • brands tab on the main menu. The default title "Brands" will be shown if this field is left blank.

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(plus) Brand Detail Page 

  • Display Featured Products: Enable the featured products to display for each brand
  • Title featured products: The title displayed for Feature products section
  • Display Featured Brands: To enable the popular brands to display on Brands page
  • Title featured brand: The title of the popular brands section
  • Display brands list: Show brand list in alphabet order


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(plus) Product Detail:

You have 4 options for display mode:

  • No: Disable this option
  • Show brand name
  • Show brand icon
  • Show brand name and icon

(plus) Product Listing

Display Icon Brand in Product List: To show brand icon in each product on product listing page

(plus) All Brand Page Setup

  • URL Key: URL of Brands page
  • Title: Title displayed on Brand Page
  • Meta keywords
  • Meta description


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Main Functions


  • Dashboard



to Shop By Brand > Dashboard, admin can view the charts reporting the percentage of each brand in store (pie chart) and the total order of the brands in store (bar chart)


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  • Create a new group

In admin panel, go to Shop By Brand > Manage Groups



on Add new group


 button to create a brand attribute.

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In the New group page, fill in the brand attribute title and choose Enable.

Then click on Save Group


 to create the new brand attribute.

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 The brand attributes created will be displayed on the front end as follows

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  • Create a new brand

Go to Shop By Brand > Manage Brands

You can add new brand by clicking on Add New Brand button, or import the brand list by clicking on Import.

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  1. Add New Brand button

There are 4 tabs: General, Images, Products, Brand Page

(plus) General:

  • Title: The brand name
  • Status: Enable brand rule
  • Featured: Enable showing the featured products of the brand
  • Store Views:


  •  Choose All Store Views or a certain store that you want. 
  • Group: Choose one or more brand groups/attributes


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(plus) Images: Admin can upload logo of the brand on Brand Page, and in Brand Detail, as well as Banner displayed on Brand Page

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(plus) Products: 

To add the products to the brand, you select the products in the grid table then click on Add Product button.

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(plus) Brand Page: You can update the brand information in this tab, including the title, URL, slogan, description, meta keywords, meta description.


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Please Save button to create new brand.

2. Import


 brand list

When clicking on Import button, you will be directed to a page where you can upload the brand list using csv or xml file.

You can download the sample file here SampleFile.csv

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  • Add products into the brand

There are 2 ways to add a product into a brand: adding when the brand is created (see in Create a new brand section), adding in each product setting.

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To add the products in the product setting, you can go to Products > Catalog then choose the product.

In the product info page, scroll down to Brand Product tab, you can choose the brand from Product Brand.

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  • Create the widget displays brand list



to Content > Pages, choose to edit the page you want to show the widget. For example, here we choose the Home Page.

In the Content section, click


on Insert Widget



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Choose the Widget Type


as List Brand

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  • Brand Listing Page

Customers only click on 


Brand on menu bar to view all of brands or choose a brand from the drop-down list.  


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Click on Brands, it will direct customer to the Brand page

The brands can be group by brand attributes (Kid's, Men's, Women's)

The popular brands (Featured brands) will be shown with logos and names.

All of the brands will be displayed in Alphabet order.

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  • Brand detailed page 

When customers click on any brand at front end such as Nike, the brand detailed page will be shown.
It will show all of things related this product, including: logo, banner, slogan, all of products belongs to this brand and more.

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  • Product details page

When customers buy a product, at this product details page will be shown the brand name if  this product belongs to any brands.            

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  • Show widget on any page

    The brand list widget will be shown according to the sort order number.

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  • When a bug fix or new feature is released, we will provide you with the updated package.
  • All you need to do is repeating the above installing steps and uploading the package onto your store. The code will automatically override.
  • Flush the configure cache. Your store and newly installed module should be working as expected.



  • We will reply to support request within 2 business days.
  • We will offer lifetime free update and 6 months free support for all of our paid products. Support includes answering questions related to our products, bug/error fixing to make sure our products fit well in your site exactly like our demo.
  • Support DOES NOT include other series such as customizing our products, installation and uninstallation service.