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Created: 24/10/2018 | By: Magenest | Support Portal:

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Sage Pay Payments extension for Magento 2 is the most secured payment gateway in UK.

Extension's page: Sage Pay Payments and Subscriptions

Highlight Features 


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Highlight Features 

  • Allow customers to checkout using credit card payment
  • Enable or disable the gateway.
  • Keep revenue coming consistently with subscription plan manager.
  • Specify allowed credit card types and countries.
  • Secure payment info with iFrame payment.
  • Support multiple stores.
  • Integrate Save Card Function.
  • Choose between Authorize Only or Authorize and Capture.
  • Add a layer of security with 3D Secure Checkout.
  • Enable CVC verification.
  • Customer can capture invoice up to quantity product that they desired.
  • Admins can easily check transaction history.
  • Admins can easily manage profiles in the backend.
  • Customers can also manage their profiles and cancel them if desired. 
  • Admin can create credit memo for refunding.
  • Easily perform Gift Aid enabled in Sage Pay.
  • Support 3 UI options: Magento UI, SagePay Modal UI, SagePay Inline UI
  • Support Save Card Function for logged in customers
  • Support Authorize Only and Authorize & Capture payment
  • Customers can manage Paya saved credit cards in My account
  • Support multiple currencies
  • Support different payment card brands, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express
  • Support different card brands

System Requirements

 Your store should be running on Magento 2 version 2.1.x.; 2.2.x


Main Functions Functions  


  • Configuration at Magento backend



You can configure the Paya  Extension at Magento back end


in Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods > Paya

(plus) Requirements settings

In this setting, you must fill in your Paya merchant account. To obtain these credentials, contact Paya team.



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(plus) Sage PaymentJS Integration

  • Enabled: Choose Yes to enable SagePay Payment
  • Payment Mode: There are 3 UI options
    Magento Custom UI
    SagePay Modal UI
    SagePay Inline UI
  • Title: 
SagePay Payment Gateway.


(green star) In Global Config:

Fill in Vendor Name, Integration Key, Integration Password obtained from your SagePay credentials. (Click on Create API credentials)

In our example, we use account and API of SagePay to implement transaction in test mode. You can obtain this by going to

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(warning) Turn on Test Mode when you use test credentials. Choose the Live Mode when you go live.

You can also turn on Ignore address check to skip the address and postcode check in test mode.

(plus) Save Customer Card Token: Allow customers to save credit card token for future purchase.

(plus) Allow Gift Aid: Allow customers to donate to charity. Note that this function only works if your Sage account is enabled for Gift Aid.

(plus) Vendor Reference Code: This will add to the unique reference of the customers' transactions. Doing this will help you recognize the source of the transactions in case you have multiple stores.

(plus) Apply 3D Secure with 4 options: Default, Force, Disable, Force & Ingore

  • Default: Use Default My SagePay Settings
  • Force: Apply authentication even if the 3D Secure is turned off
  • Disable: Disable authentication and rules
  • Force & Ignore: Apply authentication but ignore rules

(plus) Apply AVS, CVC Check with 4 options: Default; Force; Disable; Force & Ingore

  • Default: Use Default My SagePay Settings
  • Force: Apply authentication even if the AVS, CVC Check is turned off
  • Disable: Disable authentication and rules
  • Force & Ignore: Apply authentication but ignore rules

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(green star) In Sage Pay IP Integration 

(plus) Enabled: Choose Yes to enable direct checkout for SagePay Payment

(plus) Title:
  • The title of the payment method displayed on the checkout page

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(plus) Integration Key & Integration Password: Obtained from you Sage Pay account

Click on Check API button to check whether the API is working or not.


(plus) Enable MOTO: Allow you to make payments in admin panel for customers buying through email or telephone.
(plus) User drop-in interface: Turn this on to show Sage Pay with drop-in box.
(plus) Payment Action: You can choose between Authorize Only (Deferred) and Authorize and Capture (Payment)
  • Sage Environment: There are 2 environments - Certification and Production.
    Certification environment is a testing environment for test payments
    Production environment is a live environment for actual payments
  • Add test data: For certification environment, you should enable test data for test credit card info to make test payments.
  • Payment Action:

  • Authorize Only: check for the card for validity but not charge the account yet until the order is approved and invoiced.
    Authorize and Capture (Payment): charge the debit/credit card at the time of the order is placed.

(plus) New Order Status: Processing, Suspected Fraud

  • Processing: The payment is made successfully and an order invoice is issued.
  • Suspected Fraud: No invoice is issued. 
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  • Save Customer Card Token: Allow customers to save credit card for future purchase. Customers' credit card info will be tokenized for security purpose.

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  • Sage Browser Debug Logger: We highly recommend that you should enable this option so when transaction issue occurs, you can track this log file to debug.
  • Credit Card Types: You can choose which credit card types you want by choosing one or more items.
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  • Payment from Applicable Countries: 
    All allowed countries:  Enable all allowed countries to make payment.
    Specific Countries: Restrict some countries by unselecting them from the Payment from Specific Countries.
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  • In addition, you can add/edit the Instructions to instruct customers how to do payment.
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  • Sort Order: The order of the payment method that will be displayed on the checkout page.
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  • Minimum Order in Total: If the order value is less than this figure, the payment method will not be displayed on the checkout page.
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  • Maximum Order in Total: If the order value is bigger than this figure, the payment method will not be displayed on the checkout page.
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When done, press Save Configuration. This direction can be applied with both Subscription product and non-subscription product.



(green star) Integrate with Paypal

To integrate SagePay Payment with your Paypal, please navigate to

On the left menu column, choose Pay methods then add your Paypal account on the right in the Use Paypal Express Checkout with Sage Pay

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Please read these documents from SagePay for more details:

Create User in Sage Pay

In Sage Pay page, choose Users in the Settings, then create an user by clicking on the New user button. You will use this user account to link Paypal with your Sage Pay

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(green star) In Form Integration/Paypal

(plus) Enabled: Enable Sage Pay Form with Paypal option
(plus) Title: The title of the payment method displayed on the checkout page
(plus) User and Password: Obtained from user created in Sage Pay
(plus) Form Integration Encryption Password: Obtained from in SagePay. Go to Settings > Administrators > Password Details
(plus) Payment Action: You can choose between Authorize Only (Deferred) and Authorize and Capture (Payment)
  • Authorize Only: check for the card for validity but not charge the account yet until the order is approved and invoiced.
  • Authorize and Capture (Payment): charge the debit/credit card at the time of the order is placed.

(plus) New Order Status: Processing, Suspected Fraud

  • Processing: The payment is made successfully and an order invoice is issued.
  • Suspected Fraud: No invoice is issued. 

(plus)Image Removed Payment from Applicable Countries: 

  • All allowed countries:  Enable all allowed countries to make payment.
  • Specific Countries: Restrict some countries by unselecting them from the Payment from Specific Countries.

(plus)Image Removed Sort Order: The order of the payment method that will be displayed on the checkout page.

(plus)Image Removed Minimum Order in Total: If the order value is less than this figure, the payment method will not be displayed on the checkout page.

(plus)Image Removed Maximum Order in Total: If the order value is bigger than this figure, the payment method will not be displayed on the checkout page.

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For Subscription Products 

Create a subscription product

To create a subscription product, click on Products > Catalog 

On the right side, press Add product button, click on the arrow and choose among 6 types of product: Simple Product, Configurable Product, Grouped Product, Virual Product, Bundle Product, Downloadable Product.

Then, the New Product page will be shown.

In the SagePay Subscriptions Options, there are two sections: General Config, Options

General Config: Enable the subscription mode of the product.

Options: Click Add option to add subscription plan for the product.

  • Period Unit: Set the subscription period in terms of Day, Week, Month, Year
  • Billing Frequency: How many times the customers want to repeat the subscription circle.
  • Billing Cycle: How long will customer has to repay the subscription fee.


Storefront Functions

There are 3 payment UI options 

  1. Magento Custom UIImage Added

  2. SagePay Modal UI
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  3. SagePay Inline UI

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  • Check out with SagePay in an easy way 

Customers can add their desired items to the shopping cart by clicking on Add to Cart button.

Then, the customer can go to the checkout page easily with the Checkout Button in the drop down of the shopping cart icon .

Next. customer fills in his/her shipping address and selects the payment method.

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At the review and payments section,there are two SagePay payment methods: SagePay Credit Card drop in Payments and SagePay Direct Payment.

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(plus) With SagePay Credit Card Payment:

  • Mark the checkbox "My billing and shipping addresses are the same" if the shipping address and the billing address are not different.
  • If they are different, fill in the billing address then click "Update".

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Customer fill credit card information into the checkout form and click Place Order button. The system will process with Sage and return the result with customer's order number. 

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(plus) With SagePay with Drop-In Interface :

  • Mark the checkbox "My billing and shipping addresses are the same" if the shipping address and the billing address are not different.
  • If they are different, fill in the billing address then click "Update".

In this section, customer will enter his/her credit card info into a drop-in that is more secured.


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(plus) Sage Pay Form/Paypal

With Sage Pay Form, all transactions will be handled by Sage Pay. When customer Place order, it will redirect to Sage Pay Form 

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Customers can pay with Paypal or Credit Cards up to their choice.


(plus) Support 3D Secure:

When customers use type of card provided with 3D secure mode. SagePay will turn on automatic mode to check. The operation will redirect to processing page.


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Click Submit to finalize the payment.

(plus) Save card function: 

We design this function to help customers pay more conveniently. Customers could save time from typing a long range of numbers.


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(plus) My Saved Card Indentifiers: 

Customers can see the cards that they used by clicking My Account > My Saved Card Identifiers:


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(plus) View Order:

 When the transaction is completed, merchants can review their orders by clicking Sales > Orders >View


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(plus) Capture Invoice:

If you set the Payment Action as Authorize Only, invoice will not be created. You have to capture invoice in your request. However, the quantity of the products in the new invoice must be smaller than or equal to the pre-order.

(warning) This extension does not support multiple invoices.


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(plus)  View Invoice: 

You can manage invoices by going to Sales > Invoices

Click on View button to see the details of invoice that you want.

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You can change the column content by clicking on the Columns icon on the top right. Next to it is the Export icon that allows you to export the invoices list into CSV and XML files.

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On the right side, there are three important buttons: Send email, Credit memo, and Print

  • Send email: Allow you to send the current invoice to customer
  • Credit memo: Allow you to make the refund
  • Print: Print out the current invoice


(plus) Partial or total refund:

Customer can refund partially or totally by clicking Credit Memo > Refund.

This plugin does not support multiple invoices.


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(plus) Transaction:

To view transactions in SagePay, log in Magento backend and choose SagePay Payment Gateway > Transactions

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(plus) Subscription Profiles:

To view all subscription that you implemented, click on SagePay Payment Gateway > Subscription Profiles

In there you can enter the order ID or the transaction ID in the search bar to find the subscription plan in need.


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  • When a new update is available, we will provide you with a new package containing our updated extension.
  • You will have to delete the module directory and repeat the installing steps above.
  • Flush the config cache. Your store and newly installed module should be working as expected.
