Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Your store must be running on Magento Community Edition version 2.1.x, 2.2.x




Configure Paypal and Payment Method

  • On Dashboard tab, click Magenest Subscription -> Settings > Sales > Payment Methods

    This extension supports Paypal and Payment


(plus) Direct Post:

  • Enabled=: Yes/No.Choose Yes to enable this method

  • Payment Action= Authorize Only / Authorize and CaptureYou can choose Authorize Only or Authorize and Capture
    • Authorize Only (Authorization): will check the card for validity but not charge the account yet until the order is approved and invoiced.
    • Authorize and Capture(Sale):  will charge the debit/credit card at the time of the order submission.
  • Title: Displaying the check-out page.The title of the payment method that will be displayed on the checkout page
  • API Login ID:  Getting from the account.
  • Transaction Key: Get from the account.
  • Merchant MD5: MD5 Hash
  • New Order StatusYou can choose between Processing and Suspected Fraud
    • Processing: The payment is made successfully and an order invoice is issued.
  • Test Module
  • Gateway URL
  • Transaction Details URL
  • Accepted Currency
  • Debug
    • Suspected Fraud: No invoice is issued. 

  • Credit Card TypesYou can choose which credit card types you want by choosing one or more items.
  • Credit Card Verification: Choose Yes to enable CVC Verification.
  • Payment from Applicable Countries
    • All allowed countries:  Enable all allowed countries to make payment.
    • Specific Countries: Restrict some countries by unselecting them from the Payment from Specific Countries
    .Minimum Order Total
    • .
  • Maximum Order Total.
  • Sort Order.

Image Modified


Please click Click on Save Config button to save data entered.


To access the extension's other settings, go to Magenest Subscription > Settings

Here you can set:

  • General settings
    • Subscription options on the frontend product detail page
      • Dropdown
      • Radio list
    • Whether to allow logged in customers only
    • Whether to allow order to be created along with new subscription profile
    • Enable debugging
  • Paypal
    • Action to take on initial payment failure
    • Whether to create new order for new billing circle
    • Whether to allow customer to cancel profile
