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Set up Moneris

(plus) If you use a test account

For the demo, you can create a test account in this sandbox test linkFirstly, you need to have an Moneris account to use our extension. If you don't have any Moneris accounts, you can Create an account by clicking on the following sandbox test links: and choose Sign up.

Next, you enter some your personal information which helps Moneris can identify you and set up your online login details included: username and password. .... The system will also request you to enter an email address to receive direct notification but don't log in regularly.

Then, you confirm Confirm your account by agreeing to Moneris online Terms & Conditions and click on Sign up button.

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When you You log in by registered account:

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your Moneris account, request for test credentials (in the US or Canada)

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Set Configuration

(plus) Set up with Redirect Connection:

    (minus) In United State States Store:

    Users log Log in by Moneris account and click Admin - >Hosted Paypage Configuration. There are two elements that users you need in order to configure in Magento 2: hpp_id, hpp_key o

    Or click r can click Generate a New Configuration to create a new key.


And fill them into backend of Magento 2 such as below picture:

In the admin panel of Magento 2, go to Moneris Configuration via Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods > Moneris 

  • Enabled: Choose Yes to enable Moneris Payment 
  • Environment: Set your store as in the United States or in Canada
  • Title: The name of the payment method that will be displayed on the checkout page
  • Sandbox Mode: Turn this on if you use the test credentials
  • Connection Type: Direct or redirect checkout
  • Store ID: Your store ID or test Store ID
  • API Token: the API Token you got from Moneris
  • HPP ID or PS STORE ID: The hpp_id in the Hosted Paypage Configuration.
  • HPP KEY: The hpp_key in the Hosted Paypage Configuration
  • Approved URL: Use this URL when you configure your Moneris hosted paypage
  • Declined URL: Use this URL when you configure your Moneris hosted paypage
  • Cancel Button URL: Use this URL when you configure your Moneris hosted paypage
  • Payment from Specific Countries: Select the countries you allow to make payments.

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In Configuration tab, Response Url is the link connecting to Moneris home page. Data transaction is also synchronized from Moneris to Magento.  


  • We will reply to support requests after within 2 business days.
  • We will offer lifetime free update and 6 months free support for all of our paid products. Support includes answering questions related to our products, bug/error fixing to make sure our products fit well in your site exactly like our demo.
  • Support DOES NOT include other series such as customizing our products, installation and uninstallation service.
