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Introducing to Woocommerce Xero Integration

The Woocommerce Xero Integration is a great tool which allows you to synchronize accounting data automatically from Wordpress store to Xero Website.


1. Sync ustomer data from wordpress store to Xero in mode Automatic synchronization / Admin Sync

2. Sync product data from wordpress store to Xero in mode Automatic synchronization/Admin             Sync

3. Sync order data from wordpress store to Xero in mode Automatic synchronization/Admin    Sync

4. Sync invoice data from wordpress store to Xero in mode Automatic synchronization/Admin Sync


1. You need have private key and public key: Visit the link and follow the instructions - Create a public/private key pair


  • Step 1: openssl genrsa -out privatekey.pem 1024
  • Step 2: openssl req -new -x509 -key privatekey.pem -out publickey.cer -days 1825
  • Step 3: openssl pkcs12 -export -out public_privatekey.pfx -inkey privatekey.pem -in publickey.cer

Finished, you receive:

Use ftp to upload files to the directory: woocommerce-xero-integration -> controllers -> certs


2. Create app private in

  • Click check box: Private - just for use with my own organisation
  • Fill name app
  • Select which organisation your application can access
  • X509 Public Key Certificate:
    • click Upload X509 certificate file (.cer)
    • click Browser: Upload the file publickey.cer has just initialized
    • click check box: I have read and agree to the Xero Developer Platform.
  • Click button Save.

You receive:

3. Setting in wordpress website

Woocommerce -> Settings -> Xero Integration and Fill in the box with the data you just obtained.

  • Consumer Key and Consumer secret in app xero.
  • Mode Sync Xero: you can select Admin add to Xero or Auto sync Xero


  • Mode Admin add to Xero
  • Add Product with information

in Xero -> Product table wait for sync tab

click button SYNC, after in xero:

  • Add customer
  • in Xero -> Contact table wait for sync tab:

  • click button SYNC, after in xero: