Versions Compared


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Your store should be running on Magento Community Edition version 2.0.0 and more.


Set up Vtiger account

Go to to login ( if you had an existing Zoho account) or register new one


Getting Vtiger Access Key


Access your Vtiger account and click on your profile name on the top right corner, then go to My Preferences 


Scroll to bottom of the page, you can see the Access Key in User Advanced Options


(warning) Please save this information to start using the Vtiger CRM Integration extension. 


Back End 

Go to the Vtiger CRM tab, then the Vtiger CRM menu will be shown. 



There are 4 sub-tabs that admins need to consider:

(plus) Configuration

To start using the extension, admins need to set some configurations by clicking Vtiger CRM > Configuration.



Expand the VtigerCRM Information section, there are three fields will be shown.

(minus) Username: Your Vtiger username.

(minus) URL: Please follow the format of your_vtiger_site/webservice.php

(minus) Access Key: Used the access key which saved in the previous step to enter this field. 

(info) Check Connect VtigerCRM: After filling in some information mentioned above, please click on the Check Connect VtigerCRM button to make sure that these information entered is correctly. 




Expand the Synchronization Settings section, there are seven sub-sections will be shown:



Expand the sub-section named Sync Account, there are two fileds (in the first time)


(minus) Enable: Yes/No.


(minus) Sync Mode: There are two options to choose:

  • Immediately: The extension will sync 



  • Cron Job: Admin will set a period of time 

Example: When admin set 5 times to 





Add All Customers To Queue button:




  • When done, hit Save Config, your configuration is ready to use.

Data Integration Settings


Click on VtigerIntegration > Field Mapping.You can define field mappings between Magento and VtigerCRM easily.


To add a new mapping, click on Add button, Add New Mapping page will show up

  • Type: Choose table you want to map

  • Vtiger Field: Choose Vtiger Field

  • Magento Field: Choose corresponding Magento Field

  • Status: Inactive or active

  • Description: Describe your mapping

Hit Save when done, your mapping is ready for the next sync.

Main Functions

  • When a new account is registered in Magento 2, Vtiger will automatically add a new record of this account in Leads, Organizations, Contacts.

  • When a customer adds items to cart then check out, Sales Orders in Vtiger will be auto synced.

  • When an invoice is made by admin in Magento 2, Invoice in Vtiger will be synced.

  • When admin add a new product in Magento 2, Vtiger will auto sync data about that product.

  •  When admin edits a customer account/product in Magento 2, that customer/product will also be changed from Leads, Organizations and Contacts, products in Vtiger.
