Thank you for purchasing our extension. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this document, do not hesitate to leave us an email via our email

By: Magenest | Support Portal: 


PDF Invoice for Magento 2 enables merchants to create beautiful and professional invoices that replace the default template in Magento. The extension comes with GrapeJS, the user-friendly template editor so that admin can simply drag and drop to add multiple elements such as text, image, shape, discount code, etc.


For Admin

  • Create a custom template in HTML and convert it to PDF with the order information.

  • Choose PDF templates for Order, Invoice, Shipment and Credit memo details.

  • Allows customers to print a PDF order details from the store-front.

  • Easily create a template with the builder tool.

For Customer 

  • Print the PDF for their own order details from My Account page.

System requirement

  • Your store should be running on Magento Community Edition version 2.2.x or 2.3.x.


1. Configuration

(plus) On Admin sidebar, go to Marketing > PDF Invoice > Settings.

(plus) On Configuration page

1 General Configuration

      • Enable PDF Invoice: choose Yes to activate the extension.
      • Allow printing PDF from backend: If choose Yes, it will allow admin to print the PDF from the backend.
      • Allow customer to print the PDF: If choose Yes, it will allow the customer to print the PDF from the frontend.


2  Set configuration for the PDF

There are four types of PDF: PDF for Order, PDF for Invoice, PDF for Shipment and PDF for Credit Memos. Expand the sections to configure for each PDF.

      • Allow attaching PDF to email: choose Yes to attach the PDF files to the transaction emails.
      • Select PDF Template: choose a template on the drop-down list for the attached PDF.


2. Manage PDF Template

This section allows editing the available PDF template or creating new template.

(plus) On the Admin sidebar, go to Marketing > PDF Invoice > Manage PDF Template.

(plus) On Manage PDF Template page, click on Add New Template button to create a new one.

(plus) On New Template page:

General Configuration

    • Template Name: enter the name for the new template.
    • Type: choose the type of email that the PDF is attached with. There are four default types of email: order, invoice, shipment. credit memo.

PDF Configuration

In this section, the admin can configure the layout for the PDF template.

    • Select the Page Size and Orientation for the template.
    • Set the margins for the template on the Top MarginRight Margin, Bottom Margin and Left Margin field.

PDF Content

Admin can build a new template or create a new template base on an available template.

(plus) To create a template base on the available templates

      • On Default template section, choose one template on the drop-down list
      • Click on Load Template button. 
      • Then click on Show Editor button to open the Template Builder area and set a new template base on the available one.

(plus) To build a new template, on HTML Content, click on Show Editor button. Then create your content from scratch.

      • On the Template Builder section, drag and drop the items on the right column to the template area to build a new template.

      • Click on the last icon on the toolbar and expand the Basic and Template Build-in section. Then drag and drop the items in these sections to the building section.


      • Click on each item and set the display for it with the edit table on the right.

(warning) Note: Do not change the template during the building process otherwise your template will disappear.

Create PDF template using HTML and CSS code

(plus) You can design your own custom template with HTML and CSS. For more details about all supported HTML tags and supported CSS, please refer to this site

(plus) To insert a shortcode, which will replace by specific information of the order, you can use this format <shortcode>{{key}}</shortcode>.

(warning) Note:

        • To load all items of the order, you have to use the <table> tag and mark the <tr>, which shows the order item value, with id=”row_items”. Besides, the shortcode can be used in the "order item" section only.

        • To insert product image, please use this format <img class=”{{product_image}}” src=”#” alt=” ” /> 

        • To insert Store Logo, you can use this format <img class=”{{logo_url}}” src=”#” alt=” ” /> or use the <img> with the direct link image.

(plus) Shortcode list

Store Information











Shipping Information













Payment Information













Order Information






Order Items








Order Totals






(plus) After finish, click on Save button to save the new template.

Main Function

(plus) Drag and drop the items on the tool tab to build the PDF template.

(plus) Preview the template directly on the building section.

(plus) Preview the template after finishing it.

(plus) From the back-end, admin can:

    • Print the PDF for the order/invoice by clicking Print PDF button.

    • Send the order/invoice PDF to the customer via email by clicking on Send Email button.

(plus) From the store-front, customers can print the PDF for their own order on My Account page.


  • When a new update is available, we will provide you with a new package containing our updated extension.

  • You will have to delete the module directory and repeat the installing steps above.

  • Flush the config cache. Your store and newly installed module should be working as expected.


  • We will reply to support requests within 2 business days.

  • We will offer lifetime free update and 6-month free support for all of our paid products. Support includes answering questions related to our products, bug/error fixing to make sure our products fit well in your site exactly like our demo.

  • Support DOES NOT include other services such as customizing our products, installation and uninstallation service.

 Once again, thank you for purchasing our extension. If you have any questions relating to this extension, please do not hesitate to contact us for support.

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